What is the synonym for 'gross'? - English words?
Apr, 8 2023

Exploring Synonyms for 'Gross': A Guide to English Language Alternatives
The English language is full of synonyms, allowing us to express ourselves in different ways. But have you ever wondered what the synonym for 'gross' is? In this guide, we'll explore some of the English language alternatives to this often-used word.
Symbolic of Disgusting
The definition of 'gross' can be interpreted in many ways, but at its core, it is symbolic of something disgusting. Some of the best alternatives to 'gross' in this sense are 'vile', 'loathsome', 'nauseating', and 'revolting'. These words all describe something that is so distasteful or nauseating that it is almost unbearable to think about.
Outrageous or Unacceptable
When we use 'gross' to describe something outrageous or unacceptable, some of the best alternatives to consider include 'flagrant', 'shocking', 'egregious', and 'deplorable'. These words all carry a sense of something that is extremely bad or wrong, and should be avoided.
Extremely Large or Excessive
When 'gross' is used to describe something that is extremely large or excessive, some of the best words to use are 'monstrous', 'immense', 'colossal', and 'enormous'. These words all communicate the idea of something that is so big that it is almost overwhelming.
Crude or Indecent
The definition of 'gross' also includes something that is crude or indecent. In this case, some of the best words to use as synonyms are 'obscene', 'lewd', 'bawdy', and 'risqué'. These words all communicate the idea of something that is crass or inappropriate.
Foul or Unpleasant
Finally, when 'gross' is used to describe something that is foul or unpleasant, some of the best alternatives to consider are 'disgusting', 'repugnant', 'repellent', and 'foul'. These words all communicate the idea of something that is so bad that it is hard to even think about.
In conclusion, the English language is full of synonyms for 'gross', allowing us to express ourselves in different ways. Whether you're looking for a word to describe something that is disgusting, outrageous, large, crude, or foul, this guide has you covered.
Understanding the Nuances of 'Gross': A Look at Its Synonyms in the English Language
The English language is full of words that can be used to describe many different things. Some of these words are used more frequently than others, and some of them may have multiple meanings. One such word is ‘gross’, which can have multiple meanings depending on the context in which it is used.
The most common definition of ‘gross’ is to describe something that is unpleasant or distasteful. This could refer to anything from the smell of something to the taste of something or even the sight of something. This meaning of ‘gross’ is often used to describe something that is disgusting or revolting.
However, ‘gross’ can also be used to describe something that is exceptionally large. This could refer to anything from the size of an object to the amount of something. For example, you could say that a person has a ‘gross’ amount of money or that a building is ‘grossly’ large.
When it comes to the English language, there are many synonyms for ‘gross’ that can be used in place of the word. Some of the most common synonyms for ‘gross’ include nauseating, revolting, disgusting, loathsome, repugnant, and repulsive. These words all describe something that is unpleasant or revolting in some way.
Another set of synonyms that can be used to describe something that is exceptionally large are enormous, massive, colossal, gigantic, and immense. These words can be used to describe something that is larger than what would normally be expected.
The English language is full of words that can be used to describe different things. The word ‘gross’ is just one of many words that can be used to describe something that is unpleasant or large. When using ‘gross’, it is important to consider the context in which it is being used and to select the most appropriate synonym from the English language.
Expand Your Vocabulary: Synonyms for 'Gross' in the English Language
The English language is vast and full of rich words. With its wide variety of words, you can express yourself in ways that are both accurate and creative. If you’re looking for a synonym for the word “gross”, then you’re in luck – there are plenty of options.
One word you could use to replace “gross” is “disgusting”. While this word may not be as strong as “gross”, it still conveys the same sentiment. In addition, “revolting”, “horrid”, and “nauseating” are all excellent options to express your disdain.
If you’re looking for a more subtle replacement, then you can opt for words like “unpleasant”, “off-putting”, and “unappetizing”. These words are milder than “gross”, but still carry the same message. Alternatively, if you’re looking for a word to convey a strong sense of revulsion, then “vile”, “obscene”, and “abhorrent” are all excellent options.
If you’re looking for a more creative way to express your feelings, then you can opt for words like “foul”, “putrid”, and “rank”. These words have a more poetic feel to them and can add more flair to your writing. Additionally, you can use words like “ghastly”, “hideous”, and “sickening” to get your point across in a more vivid way.
No matter what kind of tone you’re looking to convey, there are plenty of words to choose from when looking for a synonym for “gross”. From milder words to more intense descriptors, there’s a plethora of options to choose from. So, the next time you’re looking to express your disgust in a more creative and accurate way, be sure to check out the wide variety of synonyms for “gross”.
Discovering the Richness of the English Language: Synonyms for 'Gross'
The English language is one of the richest languages in the world, boasting an expansive vocabulary that is constantly growing. There are many words in the English language that have the same meaning, and understanding the differences between these words can enrich our understanding of the language. One such word is "gross". It is an adjective with various meanings, including "offensive or repulsive" or "overall or total". In this article, we will explore some of the synonyms for "gross" that can help to add nuance and richness to our language.
Repulsive or Offensive
When used to describe something that is repulsive or offensive, the word "gross" can be replaced with "abhorrent". This word has Latin roots and means "to shrink back in fear or disgust". Similarly, "obnoxious" can be used in its place. This word is derived from the Latin word "obnoxius" and can be used to describe something that is unpleasant, offensive, or annoying. Other words that can be used in place of "gross" when describing something repulsive or offensive include "disgusting", "revolting", "foul", and "loathsome".
Overall or Total
The word "gross" can also be used when referring to an overall or total number. In this case, "aggregate" or "cumulative" can be used in its place. This word is derived from the Latin word "aggregatus" and means "to add up". Other words that can be used in this context include "collective", "total", "combined", and "united".
As you can see, the English language boasts an incredible range of words that can be used in place of "gross". Understanding the different nuances between these words can help to enrich our understanding of the language and add precision to our communication. By exploring some of the different synonyms for "gross", we can discover a new level of meaning and deepen our appreciation for the richness of the English language.